“I spent my life folded between the pages of books.In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction.”

― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

Monday, September 17, 2012

Writers Don't Cry

Well, well, well...in the midst of tinkering with the inner workings of 2 B Read, I somehow happened to stumble upon the best writers blog I have EVER read. Seriously, I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS BLOG. While reading some of her posts I found myself leaning into the computer and shouting out "YES!!!!" numerous times as if anyone could actually hear me. The fact is this girls gets everything to a T and is so so so helpful! I can't even STAND how awesome this blog is. All I can say is, if you are a writer. Go look at WRITERS DON'T CRY. RIGHT NOW.

Omnivoracious: Writers Don't Cry

Now I'm going to spend another 3+ hours searching her blog for tips. This is awesome :) go check out her blog!

Happy Reading and Writing!

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